Dinner Menu
Use this space to describe this menu, e.g., served daily 6-11pm.
Use this space to describe this section.
Сирники із сметаною та малиновим джемом
Сирники, цукрова пудра, м'ята, сезоні фрукти подається зі сметаною та малиновим джемом.
190 ₴
Use this space to describe this section.
Млинці з лососем та крем-сиром
Млинці з лососем, крем-сиром та легкий мікс салатів у поєднанні з томатами чері.
195 ₴
This is the second item
This is an item description.
7,50 ₴
This is the third item
This is an item description.
8,00 ₴
This is the fourth item
This is an item description.
8,00 ₴
This is the fifth item
This is an item description.
7,00 ₴
This is the sixth item
This is an item description.
4,00 ₴
Use this space to describe this section.
This is the first item
This is an item description.
7,00 ₴
This is the second item
This is an item description.
6,50 ₴
This is the third item
This is an item description.
5,50 ₴
This is the fourth item
This is an item description.
8,00 ₴
This is the fifth item
This is an item description.
5,50 ₴
This is the sixth item
This is an item description.
5,00 ₴
Use this space to describe this section.
This is the third item
This is an item description.
2,00 ₴
This is the fourth item
This is an item description.
1,50 ₴
This is the fifth item
This is an item description.
2,50 ₴
This is the sixth item
This is an item description.
1,50 ₴